Complete IELTS Writing
読むので 15 時間弱
使えそうな表現は Anki に追加して、覚えながらやってる
general についての本が少ないので、良い教材だと思う
1: Introduction to the IELTS Writing test
General の Task1 は最低 150 語で手紙を書く
Academic だと report を書く
Task2 は最低 250 語でどちらも essay を書く
3 つのよくある間違い
1: poor time management
2: rushing to start the task without properly reading the question
3: frequency of errors
How to Improve
Learn how the test is structured and graded
Learn skills to improve your answers
Practice skills
Do lots of practice tests
Receive feedback on practice tests
Use the feedback to improve your answers
2: Task1 Academic Reports
Academic 用なので省略
3: Task1 General: Letters
3.1: Overview
最低 150 語、だいたい 20 分で書く
task introduction や requirements も与えられる
例: You travelled by long distance bus recently and your suitcase was damaged. Write a letter to the bus company. In your letter
inform the bus company of when and to where you travelled
describe your suitcase and what happened to it
explain why the company should pay for a new suitcase
Grading criteria
Task Achievement
Coherenece and Cohesion
Lexical Resource(Vocabulary)
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
1: Read the question
2: Underline key words
3: Brainstorm how you will answer the task
3 つの bullet points に答えるために考える
4: Write the letter
5: Proofread your letter
3.2: Parts of letters
手紙には 6 パートある
Opening of the letter
Body of the letter
Closing of the letter
Your name
Greeting: Dear Marie, Dear Ms. Smith, Dear Sir or Madam, など
友達や家族に対しては first name を使う
formal な場合(上司に対してなど)は last name を使う
Dear Sir or Madam は知らない相手に送る場合に使う
Opening of the letter: It was great to see you last weekend; I am writing with regard to ... など
formal な場合は直接要件に入り、personal な場合は warm comment で始めた後、手紙の要件に入る
formal letter の場合の例
I am writing with regard to ...
I am writing to inquire about ...
informal letter の場合の例
I hope you are enjoying your new home. Anyway, the reason I'm writing to you is because I have some good news to share with you...
Body of the letter
3 つの bulleted points に答えるように書く
1 つ目のポイントは、opening of the letter と同じパラグラフに出る
各パラグラフは topic sentence で始まり、メインのポイントを紹介する
この topic sentence は bullted point の 1 つに対応する
topic sentence の例
With regard to ...
As for ...
I would also like to mention ...
Closing of the letter
友達や家族の場合は warm comment で締める
formal な場合、以下のように締める
I appreciate your time and attention to this matter.
Farewell: Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, Best regards, など
Yours faithfully, の後にフルネーム
Yours sincerely, の後にフルネーム
Best regards, の後に first name
Your name: Mike; Mike Wattie など
友達や家族なら first name
formal なら first and last name
3.3: Types of letters
Formality of letters
手紙の audience と purpose によって style を決定する
formal letters
semi-formal letters
ビジネスの手紙と比べると friendlier にする
informal letters
このタイプは IELTS のテストでは書かない
Purposes of letters
IELTS では以下のタイプの手紙を書くことになる
Requesting information
Giving information
Making a complaint
Making an apology
Thanking someone
3.4: Requesting information
polite tone で書く
To begin letters
I am writing to ask if you would be so generous as to ...
I am writing to request your kind permission for ...
I wonder if I might ask you for your valuable advice concerning ...
Phrases to make requests
Could you also provide details of ...
I would also like to know ...
In addition, could you tell me ...
To end letters
I hope that my request will not inconvenience you too much.
I appreciate your time and attention to this matter.
Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.
3.5: Giving information
To begin letters
I am writing in response to your enquiry about ...
I am writing with regard to ...
I am writing to advise you that ...
To end letters
I hope that this information will be of some assistance.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
Do not hesitate to contact me should you require further assistance.
Other useful phrases
Please find enclosed a ...
May I bring to your attention ...
The following information may be of use to you ...
I would also like to draw to your attention ...
3.6: Making a complaint
To begin letters
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ...
I regret to inform you how disappointed I was with ...
I am writing to draw your attention to the problem of ...
Politely making a complaint
I would like to draw your attention ...
I would like to respectfully point out that ...
In order to rectify the situation I will ...
Politely asking for action to be taken ...
Due to the discomfort and inconvenience we respectfully request compensation for ...
I believe the best way to rectify the situation is ...
Could you please put this right by ...
To end letters
I hope this matter will be resolved as soon as possible.
I hope this matter will receive your immediate attention.
I would like to request full compensation for ...
3.7: Making an apology
To begin letters
I am writing to sincerely apologise for ...
Please accept my profuse apologies for ...
I would like to apologise for ...
Expressing regret
Please accept my apology for ...
I am sorry that I am unable to ...
Regrettably, I cannot ...
Making amends
Please allow me to offer compensation for ...
I insist on making up for your inconvenience by ...
To end letters
Once again, my apologies for the inconvenience caused.
I hope that you will accept my apologies.
I hope that you can overlook this regrettable error.
3.8: Thanking someone
To begin letters
I am writing to thank you for ...
I am writing to express my gratitude for ...
I would like to tell how cheerful I felt when ...
Giving thanks
I am indeed indebted to you for ...
I very much appreciated your ...
I am extremely grateful to you for ...
To end letters
Once again thank you for ...
Once again I really appreciated the ...
I would like to once again express my gratitude for ...
3.9: Useful language for letters
To introduce new points
With regard to ...
As far as ... is concerned ...
I would also like to mention ...
To emphasize what you are saying
Needless to say,
I thoroughly enjoyed ...
I was thrilled about/by ...
... was extraordinary
I am discontent about/with ...
I am not satisfied about/with ...
... is not what I expected ...
... does not fulfil my needs ...
... is too + [adjective]
Regret / apology
I regret that I ...
Please accept my apology for ...
I am sorry that I am unable to ...
Please forgive me for ...
Regrettably, I cannot ...
Making a request
I would be grateful if ...
What I am looking for is ...
I am very keen to ...
I would be indebted to you if you could ...
Giving thanks
I am indeed indebted to you for ...
I very much appreciated your ...
I am extremely grateful to you for ...
3.10: Common errors
Task achievement
Poor time management
Not responding to all parts of the task
3 つの bullet point にちゃんと答えること
Not responding to all parts of the bullet point
各 bullet point でたまに 2 つ以上のことが要求される場合もある。こういう時に全てに対してちゃんと答えること
例: when you want to arrive and leave
Not giving a balanced answer to all three questions
各ポイントを 1 つのパラグラフにし、それぞれの大体の大きさをそろえる
Inappropriate tone
Too aggressive a tone in a letter of complaint
NG: If you do not solve this immediately I will call my lawyer and sue you in court.
OK: I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
Errors with the letter format
手紙なので、名前は body ではなく最後に書く
Cohesion and coherence
Not clearly answering a question in one place
Poor topic sentence
"S" endings of words
単数 / 複数形に注意
Other errors with word endings and form
"ed" のあるなし
Repeating words excessively
語彙の広さを見せるために、同じ言葉を繰り返すのではなく rephrase したほうがよい
Colloquial expressions
使われすぎている表現は ugly と捉えられる
At this poit in time ...
At the end of the day ...
Just like every coin has two sides ...
a / an / the に注意
Avoid using repetitive sentence structure
I am の連続など
Avoid writing short simple sentences
He or she
複数形を使えば、この he or she を避けられる
4: Task2 Essay Writing
4.1: Overview
最低 250 語、だいたい 40 分で書く
3 つのタイプがある
What is your opinion and why?
Computers are being used more and more in education and some say there will soon be no role for the teacher in education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
both sides + opinion
Discuss two aspects equally of this argument and then give your own opinion.
Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences. Discuss both of this argument and then give your own opinion.
two question essay
Discuss two questions equally.
Computers are being used more and more in education. What are some of the problems it causes? What are some of the possible solutions?
Structuring the three types of essay(p120 に表あり)
Rephrase question
opinion = (how much) reasons
"I totally agree because ..."
reason 1
reason 2
reason 3 / concession
Final paragraph
Restating of your opinion + summary of reasons
Both sides + opinion
Rephrase question
"This essay discusses ..." + [both sides] and [opinion]
Side 1 advantages
Side 2 advantages
opinion は body の外に出す
Final paragraph
Your opinion
State that both sides are important/have merits
State which one is more important/better
Two question Essay
Rephrase question
"This essay discusses ..." + [question 1] and [question 2]
question 1
question 2
Final paragraph
Summary of question 1 and 2
4.2: Opinion essay
Task Analysis
すべての task には topic と question が含まれている
例題の topic
fast pace and stress と書かれているので、両方に答えることが必要
例題の question
まず agree なのか disagree なのか答える必要があり、さらに what extent do you 〜 なので、どの程度、賛成または反対なのか答える必要がある
extent の記述がなくても、どの程度か記述するのはいいやり方
100% の場合
totally / completely
somewhat / partly
50-50 は不明瞭になるので、やめたほうがいい
Planning your essay
1: Underline key vocabulary in the topic and write words with the same or related meaning
2: Decide what kind of response is needed.
3: Brainstorm key points for the answer
4: Decide on your position(totally agree / somewhat agree / somewhat disagree / totally disagree)
5: Decide on the structure of the essay
Steps in writing your essay
1: Paraphrase the question
2: State your position [totally / strongly / somewhat + agree / disagree]
6 か 7 のスコアでいいならシンプルに主張を述べるだけでいいが、8 を狙うなら主張に加えて、理由も書いたほうがいい
2 つか 3 つのパラグラフを書いて、それぞれで 1 つの理由を主張する
2 つの場合はより詳細に書く場合、3 つの場合は 1 つ 1 つは薄くなるが、問題と自分の意見によって柔軟に変えてよい
somewhat agree の場合に 2 つ賛成意見、1 つ反対意見を述べるなど
1: Write topic sentences for each body paragraph
Sequencing word + topic + reason の形がいい
例: The main reason why I believe family life is being compromised is because families have less time to be with each other.
2: Write supporting sentences for the topic sentences
key point を作る 3 つのやり方
explanation / example / adding details
1: Send a signal you are concluding your essay
in conclusion
2: Restate your position
3: Summarise the main points
理想的には body で使った言葉と違う言葉を使うほうがいい
4: Give your final opinion or recommendation / restate your position
時間があるなら final opinion か recommendation を書けると 8 や 9 のスコアが狙える
Template for opinion essay
There is currently a contentious argument over whether XYZ
I totally agree/disagree with this opinion because [reason 1 + reason 2]
Paragraph 2
The main reason why I believe / don't believe XYZ is because ... [reason 1]
Paragraph 3
Another reason why I support / don't support the notion that XYZ is due to the fact that ... [reason 2]
In conclusion, I completely agree/disagree that XYZ because [rephrase reason 1] and [rephrase reason 2].
Given this situation, it seems that [give a final recommendation or opinion]
outweigh の場合
both sides について述べたほうがよい
他の opinion essay と同様に、どちらが勝っているか introduction と conclusion で述べる
conclusion の最後には recommendation を述べる
Common Mistakes
Unclear opinion
extent を書いていない場合など
Choosing the wrong side to argue
Contradicting your opinion
4.3: Both sides and opinion essay
Task analysis
このタイプの topic は 2 つの視点を説明しているので、それぞれが何か正確に把握する
Planning your essay
1: Underline key vocabulary in the topic and write words with the same or related meaning
2: Decide what kind of response is needed
3: Brainstorm key points for the answer
4: Decide on the structure of the essay
例題の場合だと、Paragraph1: Introduction / Paragraph2: A についての議論 / Paragraph3: B についての議論 / Paragraph4: Conclusion
Steps in writing your essay
1: Paraphrase the question
2: Say what the essay is about
This essay discusses both sides of this argument, and then I will give my own perspective.
The purpose of this essay is to analyse both sides of this argument and then I will explain why I believe the view that schools should have other functions is stronger.
introduction の後、2 つの body paragraph が必要
各サイドについて 1 つ paragraph を使う
body の構造のイメージ
1: topic sentence
2: 1st main point
3: explain the main point
4: 例で main point を説明
5: 2nd main point
6: explain or give an example to illustrate the 2nd main point
1: Write topic sentences for each body paragraph
2: Write supporting sentences for the topic sentences
explanation / adding details / example を使って説明する
1: Signal that this is the concluding paragraph with the phrase: In conclusion,
2: State that both sides of the argument have merits.
3: Say which side you support more strongly.
4: Give a justification for supporting this side more strongly.
Template for a both sides and opinion essay
More Sample Question
Situation 1: discuss the advantages and disadvantages of one thing
Situation 2: discuss the advantages of two different things
Common mistakes
Putting your opinion in the introduction of the essay
最後の paragraph までは自分の意見を書かないほうがよい
Putting your opinion in the body of the essay
上と同様、body にも書かない
Not writing enough for your opinion
意見を 1 行で述べるだけでなく、理由も書く
4.4: Two question essay
Task analysis
topic と 2 つの question を正しく理解する
Planning the essay
1: Underline key vocabulary in the topic and write words with the same or related meaning
2: Decide what kind of response is needed
3: Brainstorm key points for the answer
4: Decide on the structure of the essay
introduction / question 1 / question 2 / conclusion
Steps in writing your essay
1: Paraphrase the question
2: Say what the essay is about
This essay discusses
introduction の後、2 つの body paragraph が必要
各質問について 1 つ paragraph を使う
body の構造のイメージ
1: topic sentence
2: main point の紹介
3: main point の説明
4: 例で main point を説明
5: minor point
6: explain or give an example to illustrate the minor point
1: Write topic sentences for each body paragraph
2: Write supporting sentences for the topic sentences
explanation / adding details / example を使って説明する
1: Signal that this is the concluding paragraph with the phrase: In conclusion,
2: Summarise your main points for each question.
3: Give a final opinion or recommendation based on the summary.
Template for a two question essay
Rephrase the topic
this essay discusses ... [question 1] + [question 2]
Question 1 [try to write 2 main points to respond to this question]
Question 2 [try to write 2 main points to respond to this question]
In conclusion,
[summarise the 2 main points about question 1]
[summarise the 2 main points about question 2]
Common mistakes
Not responding fully to both questions
Not introducing BOTH questions in the introduction
introduction の中で両方の質問について触れること
4.5: Improving your score
Common mistakes with task response
Poor time management
Not responding to all parts of the task
Misstating the topic
introduction の時点で一般化しすぎたり、具体化しすぎたり、違うポイントから話したりしないこと
Not fully answering the question
Misstating the question
Improving task response
Read the task carefully
少なくとも 5 分はかける
Developing strong main ideas
Developing your ideas well
main idea をうまくサポートできるように練習する
Use an appropriate structure
Common errors with cohesion and coherence
Avoid basic sequencing words
firstly / secondly などは避ける。代わりに The main benefit is that や As well as this, を使う
Avoid unnecessary sentence elements
Incorrect use of conjunctions
for / and / nor / but / or / yet / so の FANBOYS を正しく使う
Not using an appropriate structure for the question type
Avoid irrelevant sentences
Improving cohesion and coherence
Use sequencing words and connecting phrases
Avoid errors with word choices
Avoid unnecessarily complicated structures and grammar
Learn how to develop your ideas in paragraphs
explanation / adding details / example を使って説明する
Common errors with vocabulary
"S" endings of words
単数 / 複数形に注意
Other errors with word endings and form
"ed" のあるなし
Repeating words excessively
語彙の広さを見せるために、同じ言葉を繰り返すのではなく rephrase したほうがよい
Noun trains
"application of pesticides" のほうが "pesticides application" よりわかりやすい
Obvious memorised language that is inappropriately applied
Colloquial expressions
使われすぎている表現は ugly と捉えられる
Improving vocabulary
Rephrase the task
rephrase の練習する
Use high-level words where possible
language test でもあることを意識する
Common errors with grammar
Avoid writing short simple sentences
He or she
複数形を使えば、この he or she を避けられる
4.6: Improving grammar
Criteria for grammar
uses a variety of complex structures
produces frequent error-free sentences
has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors
Develop ways of writing complex sentences
Conditional sentences(仮定法)
上手く使えると grammar score を上げられる
Relative clauses(関係詞節)
who / which / where / whose / that を使う
Reducing errors
冠詞(a / an / the)
4.7: Vocabulary for common topics
Anki に追加した
The environment
Useful linking words and phrases
Last updated
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