IELTS Speaking Success
xxx 時間
1: Introduction
speaking のテストは 11-14 分、3 つのパートに分かれている
Part 1: Short question and answers about familiar topics
4-5 分で自分のことや自分の国のことについて聞かれる
最大で 3 つのトピックがあり、それぞれ最大で 4 問の質問がある
The first topic will be about whether you work or study, the place you are living in, or the place you are from.
他の 2 つのトピックは、趣味、休日、スポーツ、娯楽について聞かれる
Part2: Long Turn
トピックが書かれたカードが渡され、1 分で準備し、1-2 分で答える
可能であれば 2 分話すようにする
トピックは person, place, object, activity, or experience について述べている
試験官はパートの終わりに 1 つか 2 つの質問をするので、簡潔に答える
Part3: Discussion
part2 のトピックを使って 4-5 分質問される
Question typically ask you to compare, analyze, speculate, or give your opinion on the given topic.
1.1: Grading
Fluency and coherence
Speaking speed
Transitions and Linking phrases
どのような方向で話しているのか示すように接続語を使う(in addition / however / consequently など)
Specific sounds
th / w / v / r / l / 長母音に気をつける
Stress of syllables and word and sentences
Errors with word choices
Errors with word forms
Lack of talent
Use complex sentences
Word order
Prepositions and Articles(前置詞と冠詞)
1.2: Preparing for your test
1: Understanding how the speaking test is graded
2: Preparing for and practicing common question that are asked
3: Learning ways of structuring your answers to extend your answers and to improve your coherence
4: Learning to paraphrase, which is when you use a phrase to explain a word you can't think of
5: Improving your pronunciation, and ensuring you can make all sounds correctly and also getting natural stress, intonation, and connected speech
6: Improving spoken grammar by correcting any frequent errors, and learning to use a couple of complex sentence structures such as conditional phrases or relative pronouns
7: Broadening your vocabulary especially by building common phrases that can be used for a variety of responses, such as connectives and linking words and idiomatic language
2: General Strategies
このセクションでは 3 パートのすべてで使える strategies について説明する
Extend your answers
例題: What kind of food do you like? に答えるとする
1: Divide into 2 or 3 parts
Well, there are three kinds of food that I'm really keen on. The one I like best is Italian food because I am a big fan of pasta. I also really like to eat Korean food as it's very healthy and flavorsome. I'm also kind of partial to Mexican food because it is so hot and spicy.
2: General to specific
general -> specific -> example の順に書いていく
Well, I'd have to say that I'm a big fan of seafood. In particular, I really like to eat Japanese seafood because it's always so fresh. For instance, sashimi is delicious because the raw fish is so flavorsome.
3: Depends - describing different situations
I think it depends really. If I'm working I prefer to get something like fast food such as McDonalds because I only have a short break. But, if I'm out with friends I would rather have something more exotic such as Thai food or Indian food.
Speak at variable speed rate
fluency を示すために、良いスピードで読む必要があるが、すべてそのスピードで読む必要はない
Slow down when you ...
1: reach a difficult area or are unsure of what you will say
2: want to emphasize something
3: are using high level language to make the examiner notice it
Speed-up when you ...
1: are comfortable with the topic and what you are saying
2: are giving less important information
use redundant language
oh / well / actually などの言葉はネイティブスピーカーのほうが、ノンネイティブの人より多く使っている。これらを多少使ったほうがよい
Use punctuation
短い pause は新しい節に入ったことを示し、長い pause は新しいアイデアやトピックに入ったことを示す
Use lots of adjectives and adverbs
Listen carefully for key words in the questions
Entering the test room
What is your full name? / Where are you from? / Can I see your identification please? といった質問をされるので、ここは短く答えれば良い
その後 "Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about yourself" といったことを言われ、そこから質問が始まる
3: Part 1 - Questions on Familiar Topics
4-5 分で行われる
最大で 3 つのトピックがあり、それぞれ最大で 4 問の質問がある
The first topic will be about whether you work or study, the place you are living in, or the place you are from.
他の 2 つのトピックは、趣味、休日、スポーツ、娯楽について聞かれる
試験官に 1 度だけ問題の反復を頼むことが可能
各単語について意味を質問することもできるが、文全体を rephrase してもらうことはできない
yes / no だけでなく、full response を行う
2 - 4 sentences で各質問に答える
アイデアや実際の意見ではなく、言語に focus する
1: まず ID をチェックされ、そこから part1 のテストが始まる
2: 試験官が "Now, I am going to ask you a few general questions" と言う
3: 試験官は異なるトピックについて 3 つか 4 つの質問を行う。"Now, let's talk about where you live" のように、試験官はトピックの紹介を行う
4: トピックをベースに試験官は 3 つか 4 つの質問を行う。以下が例
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Which room do you like the most in your home?
In the future, what sort of home would you like to live in?
5: 3 つか 4 つの質問を行った後、試験官は "Now let's talk about your hobbies and interests" などと言って、次のトピックに進む
6: 3 つのトピックについて質疑が終わったら、試験官は part1 のテストを終え、part2 に進む
もし、あなたの答えが長かった場合は、トピックが 2 つだけになることもある
3.1: Strategies
1: Expansion
質問例: Do you like riding bicycles?
悪い答え: Yes
より良い答え: Yes, because it's fun, good for health, and doesn't cost a lot.
Well, I like to ride bikes for a few reasons. The main reason I like to cycle is that I think it is really fun and it is a good way to go sightseeing. I'd also like to point-out that riding a bike is very good for my health because it can help me to lose weight. I would also like to add that recently I haven't been riding my bike much, as I am quite busy at work.
1: Dividing your response into 2 or 3 parts
2: Explaining something from general terms to specific and maybe giving and example
3: Depends - describing different situations
4: Concession - making a main argument and then giving a concession to it
5: Avoidance - not directly answering the question at first and then answering it
2: Show language
質問例: What colors do you like?
悪い答え: I like and green and blue.
より良い答え: My favorite colors are light green and navy blue.
Well, My favorite color is magenta, I guess that's because I'm really into bright and bold colors. I also like turquoise, I find that a very relaxing peaceful color that reminds me of the ocean.
"I'm really into" のような慣用的な表現も、表現力を示せる
3: Buy time to think
Repeat the question
"Oh, so you're asking about my favorite color." のように繰り返すことで考える時間を作る
Ask the examiner to repeat the question
試験官は 1 度だけ、問題を復唱できる
復唱を 1 度行ってもらってもスコアは下がらないが、何度も行ってしまうとスコアを下げる
"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that ... could you please repeat the question."
Well, that's a really interesting question
Oh I'm not too sure about that ... Let me think for a minute ... Oh yes it is ...
With regards to your question, I guess I would have to say that ...
4: If you don't understand the question
わからない単語については試験官に説明をお願いできる。しかし質問全体について rephrase をお願いすることはできない(part3 を除く)
3.2: Types of Questions
1: Description Questions
Strategy: divide your response into 2 or 3 parts
Structure: point 1 + point 2 + point 3
Useful Language
Starting-off(redundant language)
ok / then / actually / alright / well / you know
Point 1
I'd like to begin by saying ...
The first thing I'd like to mention is ...
The main thing you need to know is ...
Point 2
On top of that I can also add that ...
Another interesting point ...
Not only that, but xxx is also exceedingly ...
Point 3
Finally, I'd also like to mention ...
And, I shouldn't forget to mention that ...
I guess I could also say that (it's) sort of ...
What sort of work do you do?
What does your house look like?
What does your neighborhood look like?
What does your city/town look like?
What sort of clothes do you like to wear?
Describe a city you would like to visit?
Describe a country you would like to visit?
Describe a park you have visited?
2: "Types of" Questions
Strategy: divide your response into 2 or 3 parts
Structure: general statement + type 1 + type 2
Useful Language
Rephrasing types
kinds / sorts / variety / range of / array
Useful phrases to start [General statement]
There's quite a mixed variety of ...
There's a fairly wide range of ...
There's quite a diverse mixture of ...
Type 1
I think the most common one is ...
The main one is ...
The first one that comes to mind is ...
Type 2
In addition, X ... is also extremely popular
Another kind is ...
Not only that, but X ... is also exceedingly ...
Type 3 (if needed)
And I shouldn't forget to mention that ...
I guess I could also say that ...
Finally, I'd also like to mention ...
What kinds of restaurants are popular in your country?
What types of shops can be found in your local area?
What types of things do people collect in your country?
How do you spend your free time?
How do people spend their free time in your country?
What sorts of TV programs do you watch?
What sorts of TV programs are popular in your country?
What sort of things do people collect in your country?
3: Liking
Strategy: general to specific
Structure: general statement + more precise statement + reason
Rephrasing "liking"
I'm pretty fond of ...
I'm really keen on ...
I'm a big fan of ...
I'm extremely passionate about ...
Genreral statement
Well, in general I would say ...
Generally speaking ...
Overall, I think that ...
More precise statement
In particular, ...
Specifically, ...
To be more precise ...
And I guess this is probably because ...
I think this is due to the fact that ...
The reason for this is because ...
What do you like about your hometown?
What do you like about your job/studies?
What sort of music do you like?
What sorts of books do you like reading?
What type of movies do you like?
Where do you like to shop?
What types of food do you like?
What types of free time activities do you like?
4: Disliking
Strategy: general to specific
Structure: general statement + more precise statement + reason
Rephrasing "disliking"
I really can't stand ...
I'm not really fond of ...
I'm not much of a fan of ...
... simply gets on my nerves.
Genreral statement
Well, in general I would say ...
Generally speaking ...
Overall, I think that ...
More precise statement
Specifically, ...
To be more specific ...
To be more precise ...
And I guess this is probably because ...
I think this is due to the fact that ...
The reason for this is because ...
Is there anything you don't like about your hometown?
Is there anything you don't like about job/studies?
Is there any food you don't like?
Are there any clothes that you don't like?
Are there any colors that you don't like?
What type of weather do you dislike?
What type of noises do you dislike?
What type of movies do you dislike?
5: Habits
Strategy: depends
Structure: depends + if preference 1 + if preference 2
Well, it is contingent upon ...
I think it depends really.
Well, to be honest, I would have to say that it really depends.
Preference 1
If I'm ... I prefer to ...
Usually, I prefer ...
Sometimes, I prefer to ...
Preference 2
But, if I ... I would rather ...
Although, sometimes I would rather ...
However, If I have ...
What do you usually do on the Internet?
What do you usually study?
What do you like to do for holidays?
When do you go shopping?
What do you do to relax?
How much sleep do you usually get?
How do you celebrate festivals in your country?
How much TV do you watch?
6: Yes/No questions
Strategy: depends
Structure: depends + preference 1 + preference 2
Well, it is contingent upon ...
I think it depends really.
Well, to be honest, I would have to say that it really depends.
Preference 1
If I'm ... I prefer to ...
Usually, I prefer ...
Sometimes, I prefer to ...
Preference 2
But, if I ... I would rather ...
Although, sometimes I would rather ...
However, If I have ...
Do you like the weather in your country?
Do you enjoy eating food from other countries?
Do you enjoy your work/studies?
Are there enough festivals in your country?
Do you enjoy going shopping?
Do you like to get up early?
Do you play or watch any sports?
Are you planning any vacations?
7: "WH" Questions
Strategy: concession
Structure: main point + concession
Although, I suppose it could be argued that ...
However, I'm quite aware that ...
Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that ...
What do you do at the weekend?
When do you usually read?
Where do you usually go for holidays?
Which do you prefer, reading a book or watching TV?
Who do you spend your evenings with?
When do you usually sleep?
Why do you work/study there?
How often do you play or watch sports?
8: When you were a child
Strategy: concession
Structure: main point + concession
Although, I suppose it could be argued that ...
However, I'm quite aware that ...
Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that ...
What colors did you like when you were a child?
Did you like to wear bright clothing when you were a child?
Did you like any sports when you were a child?
What type of food did you like when you were a child?
Did you have a lot of friends when you were a child?
What type of indoor activities did you do when you were a child?
9: In the future
Strategy: avoidance
Structure: avoiding phrase + answer to the question
Avoiding phrase
Well, to be honest, I don't really have ...
Actually, I'm not really sure about that.
Oh, I've never really thought about that.
answer to the question
... but I guess that I will probably ...
... but I guess that if I had to choose one, then I'd ...
... perhaps the end result will be that
Would you like to learn a new language in the future?
In the future, what sort of home would you like to live in?
In the future, do you think people will use mobile phones more than now?
In the future, do you think people will be healthier or less healthy than now?
Do you think your hometown will change much in the future?
Do you think you will have more free time in the future?
10: Comparing
Strategy: avoidance
Structure: avoiding phrase + answer to the question
Avoiding phrase
Oh, I like them both, so it's hard to choose only one.
Well, to be honest, I don't really have ...
Actually, I'm not really sure about that.
Oh, I've never really thought about that.
answer to the question
... but I guess that I will probably ...
... but I guess that if I had to choose one, then I'd ...
... perhaps the end result will be that
I slightly prefer ...
I'd much rather ...
I enjoy X much more than Y
Do you prefer studying in the morning or in the evening?
Do you prefer taking photos with your phone or with a camera?
Would you rather live in a place with hot weather or cold weather?
Do you like to take lots of short holidays or one long holiday?
Do you prefer to write by hand or using a computer?
Do you prefer to send text messages or to call someone?
Last updated
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